Together we “serve the Lord with gladness.”
The elders invite all persons, all ages, members and friends of First Presbyterian
Church of South Charleston to share their time and many talents.
Through committees, we share our gifts and resources. We ask that every person participate in a committee as a symbol of your desire to be an active member of this church fellowship.
We are only as strong as the volunteers and dreamers who help us plan and
prepare our church programming.
You are needed.
You do make a difference.
Do not wait to be invited.
There is something here for everyone.
Our work will not reach its full potential without you. Committee meetings are the first
Tuesday of each month at 7 pm.
Personnel, Nominations, Policies
Bob Lilly-Chair
Sunday School, Wednesday Night Bible Study, Youth Group, Vacation Bible School
Chair-Rick Smith
Retreats, Bluestone, Meals, Welcome on Wednesdays
Chair-Rick Smith
Local Projects, Evangelism, Care, Mission Trips
Chair-Bill Kimmons
Buildings, Grounds, Repairs, Upkeep, Inventory
Chair -Mark Lovin
Budget, Offerings, Long-Range Plans
Chairs-Bob Lilly
Worship & Music
Ushers, Liturgical Schedule, Communion, Worship/Musical Programming, Pulpit Supply, Guests
Chairs- Chuck Knurek
Congregational Care
Creative Tech and Communications
Supports web site, social media, advertising, multimedia
Chair-Mark Lovin

Sarah Clemente