Our Church has many mission projects and we could always use a helping hand. You are welcome to participate in any activity. Contact us to learn how you can get involved!
Haiti Medical Mission Trip
Annual week spent in a medical clinic in Fort Liberte, Haiti,
for videos taken during the 2011 trip, please go Videos of Haiti
To donate directly for all Fort Liberte Missions :
Kenyan Orphanage and AIDs Project
Every two to three years a group travels to Nyeri, Kenya
Youth Summer Mission Trip
Youth work for one week at a work site for needy families
Oakhurst Child Development Center
Childcare With a Heart
Offers a wonderful daily experience, ages 2-12
Furniture Mission
We pick up used furniture and disperse to needy
Christmas Baskets
Fifty food baskets are prepared for needy families
Habitiat for Humanity
We are involved in local building projects
for more information, go to Habitat
Davis-Stuart Children's Home
We support a home for children in transition
Bluestone Conference and Retreat Center
Summer camping and a fall retreat for the church
for more information, go to Bluestone
Other Mission Works
Two Cents per Meal Hunger Relief Offering
Blanket Sunday
Souper Bowl
Hike for Hunger
One Great Hour of Sharing
Joy Gifts
Witness Offering
Peace Offering

How Can I Help??
Heart and Hand needs volunteers! Can you help?